Consecration to the Sacred Heart: Day 8

Heart of Jesus, Burning Furnace of Charity

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Window detail, All Saints Catholic Church, St Peters, Missouri

Reflection on Art

To look upon the Image of Sacred Heart of Jesus is to see a heart bearing a cross, crown, and flame… it’s to adore that heart and to make our hearts more like His.

We’re living in a culture that values people being ‘cool’ . Isn’t that an interesting choice of words? Yet we’re called by our Saviour to be on fire, not even merely warm… burning with caritas.

Question of the Day

  • Do you possess a gift or keepsake given to you from a loved one that is rich in faith/meaning? What story does it tell?
  • In what ways might I need to stoke a fire in my love for God so that it might be more all-encompassing, more ablaze, and less “chill.”

The Paperweight from "The Lesson of the Paperweight"

Today’s Challenge

Let us ask and contemplate: is my heart on fire? Let us contemplate that as we ask Our Lord to remove what is lukewarm from us and give us a faith burning with caritas, as we pray The Act of Love to the Sacred Heart:

How great, O my God, is the extent of Thine excessive charity! Thou hast prepared for me, of Thy most precious Body and Blood, a divine banquet, where Thou givest me Thyself without reserve. What hath urged Thee to this excess of love? Nothing but Thine own most loving Heart.

O adorable Heart of my Jesus, furnace of Divine Love, receive my soul into the wound of Thy most Sacred Passion, that in this school of charity I may learn to make a return of love to that God Who hast given me such wonderful proofs of His Love.

Signature Daily Prayer for our Consecration Journey


Merciful Heart of Jesus, today,
in return for Your great love for me,
I renew the covenant of love I made with You
on the day of my Baptism
and which You renew each time
You offer Yourself to the Father
in the Eucharist.
I consecrate myself, family
and all my undertakings
to Your loving Heart.
I offer to bring the message of love and mercy
that emanates from Your Sacred Heart
to all who will listen.
“Send forth Your Holy Spirit
and You shall renew the face of the earth!”
I ask this through
the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your Mother.


Download the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus here if you’d like to save it or print it for reference!

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